
Where can I find my VIN number? There are four locations where you can typically find your vehicle’s VIN

✔️ The driver’s side dashboard. The first location you should look to find your VIN is on the top of your dashboard on the driver’s side.
✔️ Check on the driver’s door frame or pillar.
✔️ Check the VIN under the hood.
✔️ Check on the rear frame.
Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 2 GB.
Please attach a copy of your insurance certificate – This must be a business policy covering you for Hire and Reward.
Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 2 GB.
Please attach a copy of your insurance certificate. The cover on this policy must be no less than £5,000,000, if your policy is less than this it will not be accepted.
Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 2 GB.
Please attach a copy of your insurance certificate. The cover on this policy must be no less than £25,000, if your policy is less than this it will not be accepted. Also, this policy is not the same as the hire and reward within your vehicle policy.
Max. file size: 2 GB.
Please attach a copy of the front of your V5Q, Hire Agreement or V5 Disclaimer(If you require a V5 disclaimer please email fleet@mytambor.com)
We request all drivers have a tracking solution in their vehicles, please select if you currently have tracking in your vehicle. If you do not have some from of tracking our tracking team will get in touch to assist.
Track Installation(Required)
If you answered no to tracking please let us know if you will be arranging your own tracker or if you would like to use our tracking service Tracfast. If you wish to book tracking please copy this link: https://fleet.mytambor.com/tracker-booking/ . If you have your tracker please mark it above and someone will be in touch to ensure that it meets the requirements.

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